March 30, 2014

Radiance 330 proton therapy system to be installed at MGH

Flower Mound, TX, 27 March 2014 – ProTom International, Inc. ("ProTom") is pleased to announce the execution of a purchase agreement with Massachusetts General Hospital ("MGH") for the acquisition of a Radiance 330® Proton Therapy System ("Radiance 330") to be housed in the MGH Department of Radiation Oncology. Under the terms of the contract, ProTom will supply a single treatment room configuration including its compact 330 MeV synchrotron accelerator and 180-degree gantry with robotic patient positioner.

The Radiance 330 is equipped with ProTom's Fidelity™ Beam Scanning System, innovative technology designed and optimized for discrete scanning. This type of scanning accurately "paints" the tumor with the physician-prescribed proton dose using magnetic steering to guide lateral dose deposition and beam energy variations -- changed within a second, with sub-millimeter accuracy -- to control penetration depth. This highly sophisticated 3-dimensional beam scanning technique enables the physician to exploit the dose control advantages of protons to their full potential, even for the most complex cases.

At MGH the entire system will be installed inside a radiation-shielded vault embedded within the existing radiation oncology department -- a solution that enables the facility to share clinical staff, ancillary equipment, and patient support areas. The Radiance 330 synchrotron can be installed within an interior accelerator vault space of 20' x 30' and requires up to 40% less radiation shielding than many other systems on the market today. The lighter-weight, compact technology simplifies the installation process; and the largest component of any system configuration (fixed beam, 180 degree gantry, etc.) requires no special road transport, facility hatch, or extraordinary cranes and can be moved in through typical freight or staff entrances.

The design of the Radiance 330 allows health care providers to develop single or multiple-room capability within or adjacent to an existing radiation oncology department; and its beam transport design supports both horizontal and vertical beam lines to accommodate a multi-level layout where space constraints may dictate that treatment room(s) and the accelerator be located on different floors.
