August 3, 2017

Varian to provide full software range for new proton therapy centres in UK and Denmark

PALO ALTO, CALIF., 1 August 2017 – Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR) has received orders to provide full suites of software for national proton therapy centers now being constructed in the Denmark and the U.K. Varian is currently equipping the Danish Center for Particle Therapy in Aarhus and the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) proton therapy center with its state-of-the-art ProBeam® proton therapy system and both centers have now confirmed that Varian will supply its Eclipse™ treatment planning and ARIA® oncology information management software for the sites.

"We are delighted that both of these major new facilities will be equipped with Varian's software as well as our ProBeam system," says Moataz Karmalawy, general manager of Varian's particle therapy business. "By combining ProBeam with our world-class software, these new facilities will be able to offer the most advanced proton therapy treatments available, making a big difference to cancer patients in both countries."

"Varian's Eclipse treatment planning software has advanced proton-specific features and supports adaptive workflow which is important for the development of proton therapy," said Ole Norrevang, head of physics at the Danish Center for Particle Therapy. "We also believe that the integrated environment of the Varian software and the ProBeam system will support an efficient workflow as well as providing proton planning access for users in our national network of referring centers.

Varian recently installed the cyclotron at the Danish Center for Particle Therapy site in Aarhus and clinical treatments are expected to start in 2018.

The new proton therapy center at UCLH is one of two National Health Service high proton centers being constructed in the U.K. – the other is at the Christie Hospital in Manchester – and treatments are expected to start at UCLH in 2020. 

"We chose Varian's ARIA and Eclipse software because they provide a completely integrated solution between treatment planning and the ProBeam system as well as our current TrueBeam® linear accelerators," said Derek D'Souza, head of radiotherapy physics at UCLH. "This platform will provide patients with the most cutting-edge proton treatments and will enable us to continue to innovate and develop further."

Proton therapy makes it possible to treat certain types of cancer more precisely and with potentially fewer side effects than is possible with conventional radiation therapy. With proton therapy, the risk of damage to healthy tissues and potential side effects is reduced because the beam stops and deposits dose within the tumor site rather than passing all the way through the patient. Varian's ProBeam system is the first to offer fully-integrated intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) to enable more efficient adaptive proton therapy. Varian is the global leader in radiotherapy hardware and software and in recent years the company has extended this leadership to the proton therapy field. 
