December 26, 2011

Laser-based acceleration: designs on proton therapy

Physicist Markus Roth from the Technische Universität Darmstadt is leading a collaboration dubbed LIGHT to tackle the challenges of transforming laser-based particle acceleration into a viable technology with applications in cancer therapy. Joe McEntee finds out how.

JM: Can you tell me more about your collaboration?

MR: Laser Ion Generation, Handling and Transport (LIGHT) is a multidisciplinary research collaboration based in Germany aiming to test potential applications of laser-based particle acceleration. We have six partners – the GSI heavy-ion lab in Darmstadt, the technical universities at Darmstadt and Dresden, Helmholtz centres in Dresden-Rossendorf and Jena, and the Goethe University in Frankfurt. They each bring expertise spanning big lasers, plasma physics, conventional accelerator technology and high-field magnets.

How do you accelerate particles using laser light?

The LIGHT team uses GSI's petawatt (1×10^15 W) PHELIX laser to focus ultrahigh-power laser light onto a thin foil target. This causes massive ionization in the target and expels a large number of relativistic electrons, which leaves the target with a strong positive charge. This creates a transient electric field in which any protons present are then accelerated to high energies.

What has been the LIGHT collaboration's most recent breakthrough?

This summer we managed to use the PHELIX laser to generate 10 MeV protons from a foil target. What is significant is not the energy of the protons – we achieved 50 MeV and much higher particle numbers a year ago – but the fact that the target chamber has, for the first time, been connected to a conventional ion accelerator. We have now used a focusing ion–optical system to take those laser-accelerated ions and inject them into an existing ion-accelerator beamline here at GSI. This is a big deal because whatever you want to do with laser-accelerated ion beams, sooner or later you will have to manipulate them using more or less conventional ion–optical systems.

One year into an initial three-year programme with LIGHT, what are the current research priorities?

Clearly we want to be able to capture and control the laser-driven ion beam. Injection and transport over a few metres is important, as is a fundamental understanding of the effects of space charge, beam loading (the feedback of electromagnetic fields on the accelerator at high particle densities) and the interaction of laser-driven ion beams with magnetic fields. Over the next 12 months, we want to inject a laser-driven ion beam into a conventional accelerator beamline and use a radio-frequency cavity to create a monoenergetic beam of high brightness. Control of particle energy is crucial in a lot of the applications we foresee for laser-driven ion beams. In the case of medical applications – proton therapy of deep-lying cancerous tumours, for example – you need an ion beam with very precisely controlled energy spread (less than 1%) to be able to adjust the depth of the radiation dose that gets deposited inside the patient.

When might such laser-driven ion beams be ready for early-stage clinical studies?

As a scientist familiar with medical applications – specifically the development of carbon-ion therapy here at GSI over the past two decades – I believe that we are looking at somewhere between 10 to 20 years. For therapeutic applications, we will need to demonstrate energies of greater than 250 MeV for protons and 400 MeV per nucleon for heavier ions such as carbon. But there are plenty of other challenges too. High-repetition-rate systems, 24/7 stability as in conventional medical accelerators and improved targetry are all going to be essential. It is worth noting that we have established my university's target laboratory and that we intend to spin that activity out as a start-up within the next 18 months. We also collaborate with Scitech, a spin-out from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, on target materials and design.

Are you doing basic science as well?

By the end of next year, we plan to have tested the entire laser-fed beamline and to perform the first experiments with a recompressed ion beam that will yield ultrahigh beam powers (hundreds of gigawatts) for materials research at the extremes. We are talking laboratory astrophysics and laboratory geophysics here. By heating tiny volumes of a sample to high temperatures in just a few picoseconds, it is possible to create an exciting new state called warm, dense matter. A case in point: we recently published results in Physical Review Letters demonstrating the transformation of carbon into the liquid state using a laser-driven ion beam. The high peak current and ultrashort pulse duration (1 ps) of the ion beam enable us to heat carbon to about 5000 K and observe the transformation of the lattice into a kind of liquid. Essentially, what we are trying to do is create extreme conditions in the laboratory that replicate what is going on in the core of giant planets such as Uranus. In terms of fundamental science, that is interesting because we have no idea right now how equations of state evolve under such conditions.

What about other, more down-to-earth, possibilities?

There are a number of exciting opportunities taking shape. One possibility being considered is the use of an intense laser-accelerated proton beam as the basis of a fast ignition scheme in inertial-confinement fusion – in other words, to trigger the thermonuclear burn wave that ignites the fuel. There is also interest from the nuclear industry, where laser-driven ion beams and diagnostic techniques such as X-ray diffraction could be combined to evaluate the lattice damage and annealing of materials used in nuclear reactors. Another avenue under investigation is the use of laser-driven ion beams to produce radioisotopes for medical imaging – potentially a more compact and economical option than existing cyclotron or synchrotron technologies.

So the future's bright for LIGHT?

Yes, things appear well set. GSI has been an accelerator facility for more than 35 years and now it is really stepping into this regime to figure out what special parameters you can achieve with laser-accelerated ion beams, and also what is required in terms of the enabling technologies for practical applications.

• This article first appeared in Physics World magazine's Big-science supplement.

About the author
Joe McEntee is group editor at IOP Publishing.

December 7, 2011


Curatus has been formed to commercialize, design, manufacture and sell scalable ion beam instruments used to deliver particle therapy treatment services to cancer patients.

December 6, 2011

An eventful week in proton therapy

Proton therapy was hitting the headlines this week, with new installation contracts, project updates and a system release all announced in the last few days.

First up, Varian Medical Systems (Palo Alto, CA) booked an $88 million order to supply its ProBeam proton therapy system for the Scripps Proton Therapy Center in San Diego, CA. The five-room centre is currently under construction and scheduled to begin treating patients in 2013. The facility will also serve as a particle therapy research centre.

The equipment order was issued by the California Proton Treatment Center, an entity formed by San Diego-based Advanced Particle Therapy, the developer for the $225 million project. Varian is partnering with ORIX Capital Markets in a $165 million loan facility to finance the centre's completion and start-up operations. Varian also signed a 10-year service agreement valued at approximately $60 million.

Varian's cyclotron

Based on a 250 MeV isochronous superconducting cyclotron, Varian's ProBeam uses pencil-beam scanning to deliver intensity-modulated proton therapy. "This is an exciting step forward for the Varian Particle Therapy business," said Varian's president and CEO Tim Guertin. "The Scripps Proton Therapy Center will be our first full installation for managing, planning and delivering intensity-modulated proton therapy."

Construction of the 102,000 ft2 building is approximately 80% complete. Major components of Varian's ProBeam system are already being delivered, with installation scheduled to begin in the coming weeks.

Compact options
Meanwhile, IBA of Belgium has announced the first US installation of its compact Proteus ONE proton therapy system, at a facility being developed by Willis-Knighton Cancer Center in Shreveport, LA. Proteus ONE is a single-room system designed to provide a less costly option for cancer centres without the budget or space for a comprehensive, multi-room facility.

Proteus ONE measures roughly 15 x 29 m including the shielding walls, comprises an advanced non-superconductive cyclotron, an integrated cone-beam CT, a compact gantry and patient-friendly treatment room. The treatment system is valued at between $25 and $30 million with an additional long-term maintenance agreement.

"We're very pleased to be among the pioneers of IBA's new proton beam solution," said Lane R Rosen, director of radiation oncology at Willis-Knighton Cancer Center. "And we're excited about the opportunity to be the very first to use IBA's compact Pencil Beam Scanning technology."

Construction of a two-story addition to the existing cancer centre will begin by late 2011, with the first patients due to be treated with protons in early 2014. The new Willis-Knighton Proton Center is expected to serve about 200 cancer patients annually. In addition to the Proteus ONE, the $40 million project includes additional clinical space for radiation, medical and surgical oncology, and expansion of patient-support services.
Project progress

Elsewhere, new player ProTom International (Flower Mound, TX) reports that synchrotron installation has commenced at the McLaren Proton Therapy Center (MPTC) in Flint, MI. MPTC is installing ProTom's Radiance 330 proton therapy system, a compact system optimized for delivering scanned pencil beams.

The company points out that its synchrotron arrived via commercial airline, in contrast to some previous generations of heavy proton therapy technology that required special cranes, transport, rigging and even bridge reinforcements for delivery. Construction on the McLaren Proton Therapy Center began last October 2010, and the facility is on track to treat its first patient in December 2012.

This announcement came hot on the heels of a UK deal in which ProTom signed up to provide its Radiance 330 for a new Advanced Proton Solutions (APS) facility to be built in the City of London. "Advanced Proton Solutions represents an ideal partner for ProTom's first international venture," said ProTom's CEO Stephen Spotts. "Due to its modular design and smaller footprint, our Radiance 330 system is a great solution for sustainable urban locations such as the City of London."

Finally, this week saw Still River Systems (Littleton, MA) unveil its MEVION S250, a gantry-mounted proton source with integrated image-based workflow. Simultaneously, the company changed its name to Mevion Medical Systems, to reflect its "transition from a research and development organization to a commercial manufacturer".

Пущинская протонно-лучевая установка обречена?

Опубликовано 02.11.2011 17:31

Куда пропала протонно-лучевая установка за 10 миллионов долларов? И когда же в Пущино начнут лечить рак? Ведь протонно - терапевтический корпус в больнице научного центра был открыт еще год назад. Тогда журналистов заверили: изобретение российских ученых - протонно-лучевую установку, с помощью которой можно лечить рак даже на последней стадии, привезут сюда зимой. А уже через год в ее кресло сядут первые пациенты.
Год прошел, но установка в новом корпусе больнице так и не появилась. Неужели ее, как и врачей, которые собирались прийти работать в Пущино, перехватили в другом городе? Мы решили провести собственное расследование и найти пропажу.

А у вас есть такая же, только с перламутровыми пуговицами?
Протонно – лучевую установку мы нашли в Протвино, там же где она была и год назад. На производственной площадке компании «Протом» она проходит последнюю наладку.
- Мы используем ее для отработки новых идей, которые появились за это время, - рассказал нам член-корреспондент РАН, генеральный директор ЗАО «Протом» и разработчик установки Владимир Балакин. - То есть эта установка служит нам испытательным стендом.
Другого выхода у ученых просто нет. Лечить больных на установке нельзя, пока она не прошла сертификацию и клинические испытания. По той же причине в нерабочем состоянии находится и аналогичный аппарат в протвинской больнице. К сожалению, на получение сертификата, который должно выдать Министерство здравоохранения, уходит гораздо больше времени, чем предполагалось. Сейчас создатели установки устраняют все замечания чиновников.
– Замечания не очень принципиальные. Например, места крепления пациентов у нас были сделаны из дерева, но это недопустимо, - поясняет Владимир Егорович. - Нужно, чтобы они были из пластика. Так их легче мыть и дезинфицировать.
И такого типа замечаний за несколько лет было сделано десятки. Такое ощущение, что российскую разработку, специально не хотят пускать на рынок – признаются ученые. Финансирование проекта министерством науки уже давно прекращено. Компания Балакина выживает только за счет западных инвесторов.
- Другие академики звонили в РАН, утверждали, что их разработки лучше. Правда они только на бумаге и стоят в десятки раз дороже, поэтому считаются лучше, - рассказывает Балакин. - Главный онколог Минздрава писал в академию наук и рекомендовал прекратить нашу деятельность, поскольку она мешает закупать очень дорогие, в десятки раз дороже зарубежные установки, хуже по качеству и меньшей производительности. Но вы сами, надеюсь, понимаете мотивы движущие им. Поэтому нас никто и не признает в России.

Лучше меньше, да лучше
Зато за границей разработку Владимира Балакина признали уже давно. Контракты заключены с США, Англией, Словакией. Но смонтированные там протонно-лучевые установки тоже не могут начать работу, пока российское Министерство здравоохранения не даст сертификат.
Тем временем министр здравоохранения Татьяна Голикова в своих выступлениях приводит неутешительные цифры:
- За последние 10 лет смертность от онкологических заболеваний выросла до 13,8% и стала второй по значимости причиной смертности населения нашей страны. В настоящее время на учете в онкологических учреждениях состоит более 2,5 миллионов больных. К сожалению, около 60% среди впервые регистрируемых пациентов выявляются на третьей и четвертой стадии заболевания. Это снижает возможности лечения. В результате более 200 тысяч россиян ежегодно становятся инвалидами от онкологического заболевания.
Владимир Балакин утверждает: эффективность лечения рака на его установке достигает 90% на любой стадии рака, при этом она доступна каждой городской больнице. Например, для Пущино Академия наук ее приобрела за 10 миллионов долларов. На первый взгляд сумма кажется астрономической. Но если все посчитать…
- Электронные ускорители стоят 5 миллионов долларов, зато их производительность в 4 раза ниже нашей установки. А протонная установка в Дмитровграде стоит 6 миллиардов рублей, то есть 200 миллионов долларов. Это в 20 раз дороже, нашей разработки, - приводит факты Владимир Балакин. – Получается, что за цену одного Дмитровграда, нашими установками можно обеспечить всю Россию.
В Дмитровграде в год принимают всего 1200 пациентов. А производительность установки Балакина 2000 пациентов в год. Получается, что, когда установка все-таки начнет работать, в маленькой пущинской больнице смогут помочь большему количеству больных, чем во всероссийском центре ядерной медицины. Но при всем при этом сертификат Министерство здравоохранения пока не выдало.

Прогресс не остановить
Несмотря на все трудности Владимир Балакин настроен оптимистически. Он верит, что его разработку все-таки оценят на высоком уровне. Слишком много у нее достоинств. Помимо высокой производительности и экономичности, эта протонно-лучевая установка еще и абсолютно безопасна. При процедуре пучок протона будет попадать конкретно в место опухоли, а весь остальной организм получит минимальную дозу радиации, которая, по словам ученых, даже полезна. Парадокс, но это факт. Радиация в минимальных дозах, уверяют специалисты, стимулирует биологические ткани. При этом протонно-лучевая установка устроена так, что разрушается от воздействия протонов только опухоль.
- На самом деле можно стоять рядом с больным в момент облучения. И при этом вы получите дозу радиации выше, чем на улице, но меньше, чем в самолете, - утверждает Владимир Балакин.
Одним словом, все опасения пущинских родителей по поводу соседства детской поликлиники с протонно-терапевтичским корпусом беспочвены, уверены ученые.
Владимир Балакин ответил на все наши вопросы, кроме главного: когда же установка все-таки переедет в Пущино? Еще несколько месяцев уйдет на получение сертификата, потом должны пройти клинические испытания на 10 добровольцах, а потом еще полтора месяца надо будет потратить на монтаж установки в пущинской больнице.
В общем, вопрос, когда начнут лечить рак в наукограде остается открытым.


November 12, 2011

Mevion delivers first superconducting synchrocyclotron for proton therapy

LITTLETON, MA, 31 October 2011 – Mevion Medical Systems announced today it has delivered the world's first superconducting synchrocyclotron to the S. Lee Kling Center for Proton Therapy at the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis MO. This inaugural shipment marks the last phase of the manufacturing of the first MEVION S250 proton accelerator module and the first of many to come deliveries of this revolutionary cancer therapy device.
The synchrocyclotron was delivered after a 1,200 mile, 4-day trip from Mevion's Headquarters in Littleton MA to St. Louis MO. "It was a very rewarding day to see our first system leave our factory knowing that what we have achieved may affect and improve the lives of cancer patients," stated Joseph K. Jachinowski, chief executive officer of Mevion Medical Systems. "The innovative design of the MEVION S250 makes adding proton therapy remarkably easier for our hospital partners than what was previously available."
Powered by a TriNiobium Core™, the high-energy proton source of the MEVION S250 will preserve all of the treatment benefits of conventional proton treatment systems while removing the obstacles of size, cost and complexity that have limited the wide adoption of this promising cancer treatment modality. The MEVION S250 Proton Therapy System combines a patented, gantry-mounted proton source with a highly integrated, image-based workflow and robotic patient positioning, making proton therapy a practical clinical reality.
Similar to traditional radiation therapy systems in terms of footprint, workflow, and throughput, the MEVION S250 will easily integrate within existing radiation therapy departments to deliver innovative cancer care in a very conventional way. "Barnes Jewish Hospital prides itself in providing the most advanced technologies to its patients. We are delighted to add this latest development in radiation therapy to our cancer-fighting arsenal," says Jeff Bradley, MD, director of the S. Lee Kling Center for Proton Therapy at Siteman Cancer Center.
This installation of the MEVION S250 at Barnes Jewish Hospital is to be completed early next year. Two additional facilities are also in the midst of installation; Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ and Oklahoma University inOklahoma City, OK. Both of these installations are also to be completed in 2012.

Mevion Medical Systems, Inc. (formerly Still River Systems, Inc.) is a radiation therapy company dedicated to advancing the treatment of cancer. As the pioneering developer of modern proton therapy systems, Mevion provides innovative, safe, and effective solutions by transforming advances in medical technology and science into practical clinical reality. Mevion's flagship product, the MEVION S250 Proton Therapy System, is designed to preserve all of the treatment benefits of traditional proton therapy systems while removing the obstacles of size, cost, and complexity. Realizing this vision, Mevion has forever changed the economics and accessibility of proton therapy worldwide.
Founded in 2004, Mevion is a privately held company headquartered in the Boston metropolitan area with international offices in the United Kingdom and Japan.

San Diego's first cyclotron installed at Scripps Proton Therapy Center

SAN DIEGO, CA, 28 October 2011 - Cancer care in San Diego County took a major step forward today with the start of installation of the region’s first cyclotron - a remarkable piece of medical equipment that will be the driving force behind the Scripps Proton Therapy Center, and one of only a small handful of such proton therapy medical devices and delivery systems in the United States.
Manufactured by Varian Medical Systems of Palo Alto, Calif., the 90-ton cyclotron is about the same weight as a fully loaded 737 jetliner, but just 6 feet high and 9 feet wide. The cyclotron’s job is to accelerate protons to extremely fast speeds - roughly 100,000 miles per second or 0.61 times the speed of light - to create a beam that can precisely reach tumors, even if deeply seated and located near critical organs. These beams can also be shaped in three dimensions to avoid surrounding healthy tissues, targeting tumors with unprecedented accuracy.
Made predominantly of extremely pure iron to optimize magnetic power, the cyclotron uses water and electricity to create a plasma stream, from which protons are extracted. Protons are then accelerated by the magnetic energy between the upper and lower halves of the cyclotron - the force of which is equivalent to 200 tons. The protons are then sent through a beam transport system using a series of electromagnets to steer the beams for delivery to patient treatment rooms.
Construction on the 102,000-square-foot center began in October 2010, and is expected to be open for patient care by spring 2013. The Scripps Proton Therapy Center will have the capacity to treat approximately 2,400 patients annually. It is being built on a 7-acre site in the Carroll Canyon area of Mira Mesa, at 9577 Summers Ridge Road.
There are currently nine proton therapy patient treatment centers operating in the U.S., and just one west of the Rockies. They are located in Loma Linda, Calif. (opened 1991); Boston, Mass. (opened 2002); Bloomington, Ind. (opened 2004); Houston, Texas (opened 2006); Jacksonville, Fla. (opened 2006); Oklahoma City, Okla. (opened 2009); Philadelphia, Penn. (opened 2010); Hampton, Va. (opened 2010); and Warrenville, Ill. (opened 2010).
The cyclotron has taken an extraordinary journey from inception to installation in San Diego. It was manufactured and tested in Troisdorf, Germany over a 20-month period by a team of about three dozen engineers, physicists, electricians, welders and others with specialized expertise. It was then shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, through the Panama Canal and into Port Hueneme, just north of Los Angeles. From there it was transported via two specialized 200-foot-long, 19-axel trailers, to evenly distribute the exceptionally heavy load.
After arriving at the Scripps Proton Therapy Center, the cyclotron will be lifted in two separate sections, using a specially designed crane that is usually deployed to move heavy industrial equipment weighing up to 1,000 tons. During the course of two straight workdays, the cyclotron will be painstakingly aligned into place, due largely to the sub-millimeter accuracy required of its placement.
Following the cyclotron’s installation, the beam transport system and other equipment will be installed in patient treatment rooms. Meanwhile, the cyclotron will undergo testing to meet various acceptance criteria under the guidance of a team of engineers, physicists, software engineers and other experts.
Scripps Proton Therapy Center will include five treatment rooms, three of which will include gantries, which are three-story, 360-degree rotational machines designed to deliver the therapeutic beam at the precise angle prescribed by the physician. Each gantry weighs 280 tons. The other two treatment rooms will have fixed-beam machines. The center will also offer MRI, CT and PET/CT imaging services in support of proton therapy; 16 patient exam rooms; and offices for 14 physicians.
The facility is being developed by Advanced Particle Therapy (APT), LLC of San Diego and will be operated by Scripps Health and Scripps Clinic Medical Group. Scripps Health will provide clinical management services to the center and Scripps Clinic Medical Group will oversee the medical services. APT has arranged the financing to build the center and purchase the proton therapy equipment from Varian Medical Systems. Additionally, APT will manage and maintain the building and equipment. The architect and general contractor for the center is The Haskell Company of Jacksonville, Fla., one of the nation’s leading design-builders of health care facilities.
For certain cancers, proton therapy offers a more precise and aggressive approach to destroying cancerous and non-cancerous tumors, compared to conventional X-ray radiation. Proton therapy involves the use of a controlled beam of protons to target tumors with control and precision unavailable in other radiation therapies. The precise delivery of proton energy limits damage to healthy surrounding tissue and allows for a more potent and effective dose of radiation to be used.
Patients will be able to access this treatment through a referral to a specialist credentialed by the Scripps Proton Therapy Center. Proton therapy has an established history of reimbursement by Medicare and private health care payers.
A non-invasive treatment, proton beam therapy is usually performed on an outpatient basis and is considered most effective on solid, deep-seated tumors that are localized and have not spread to distant areas of the body.
Varian will equip the facility with a fully integrated ProBeam proton therapy system. The center’s superconducting cyclotron will feature pencil-beam (or spot) scanning, which allows for modulation of the proton beam’s intensity. This allows doctors to precisely shape the dose distribution to concentrate on the targeted tumor while minimizing exposure of normal healthy tissue.
Nearly 80,000 people worldwide have received proton therapy at centers in Europe, Asia and the United States. Patients typically receive approximately 30 treatments during a four- to six-week period. Each treatment lasts for approximately 15-25 minutes, after which the patient is free to carry on with daily affairs.
In addition to providing patient care, Scripps expects to be at the forefront of new and developing clinical applications as part of its proton practice and connection with other national centers.
Radiation generated by the proton therapy system will be contained by installing the equipment in a bunker with concrete up to 15 feet thick. Two completely independent monitoring systems are also being installed to ensure safe operation. A personnel protection system (PPS) will monitor the safety of individuals inside the facility. Additional radiation monitors are being installed outside the facility to prevent environmental exposure.
About Scripps Cancer Center
With more than 300 affiliated physicians, Scripps Cancer Center is a nationally recognized leader in cancer care, providing comprehensive care at its four hospitals and various Scripps Clinic locations. Scripps Cancer Center seeks to provide the best possible treatment and cutting-edge research trials for patients by coordinating medical expertise in the areas of clinical cancer care, community outreach and clinical, translational and basic research. Scripps is the only cancer care provider in San Diego to earn network accreditation from the American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer.

IBA awarded second proton therapy contract by Polish Academy of Sciences

Nov 10, 2011

LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, BELGIUM, 9 November 2011 – IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) announces today that the Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ) awarded to IBA the supply of the extension of the IFJ Proton Therapy Center, Krakow, Poland.

This agreement for the second phase of development of the PT center amounts to between 15 and 20 million Euros. It includes a gantry treatment room and associated building. The building work will be subcontracted by IBA to a major European building contractor. In 2010, IBA was awarded the first phase of this project which included the supply of a cyclotron and associated equipment.

The gantry treatment room will allow IFJ to treat patients using a state-of-the-art radiation delivery technique called Pencil Beam Scanning (“PBS”). This advanced treatment method allows physicians to precisely “paint the targeted cells”, in 3-D, with the treatment beam, thus further optimizing the targeting of the tumor while sparing the surrounding healthy tissue. The aim remains the limitation of the short term side effects of the treatment and the preservation of the quality of life of patients over the long term.

“Thanks to the agreement concluded today between the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and IBA S.A., the first proton therapy center equipped with a modern Gantry Treatment Room and a scanning beam will be built in Poland. It is a very important day in the Institute’s history as well as a breakthrough in cancer treatment in Poland. We evaluate the effects of our cooperation with the company IBA as very successful. As a result, the Cyclotron Center Bronowice in the Institute will become an important center for research in physics, medicine and related sciences by 2014” said Prof. Marek Jezabek, Director General of the IFJ.

“The award of this tender confirms IBA’s position as a leading expert and a trusted partner for the development and delivery of Proton Therapy treatment facilities around the world. We are honored to partner again with the prestigious Polish Academy of Sciences and help them to advance cancer treatment in Poland” said Pierre Mottet, Chief Executive Officer of IBA.

The IFJ PT center will be IBA’s 5th clinical proton therapy center in Europe. Worldwide, 21 proton therapy centers have chosen IBA for the supply of the treatment equipment; this represents over half of the clinicalbased proton therapy facilities in the world.\


IBA develops and markets leading-edge technologies, pharmaceuticals and tailor-made solutions for healthcare with a focus on cancer diagnosis and therapy. Leveraging on its scientific expertise, IBA is also active in the field of industrial sterilization and ionization.


October 9, 2011

Weapons Diagnostics Technology Revolutionizes Cancer Treatment

At Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC) in Livermore, California, a proton therapy system based on Livermore technologies is being developed to treat cancer patients. Anthony Zografos (left), general manager of CPAC, and Yoko Parker (right) stand alongside the dielectric wall accelerator prototype system. A radio-frequency quadrupole and proton source are to the right of the accelerator. In contrast, existing proton treatment centers are about the size of a basketball arena.

IN 2014, a particle accelerator born out of the Laboratory’s nuclear weapons program may begin to appear in hospitals to deliver lifesaving proton therapy to cancer patients who would otherwise receive traditional and often dangerous radiation treatments. The path to this success has been long and challenging, but the payoff for patients is enormous.

Scientists recognized the benefits of radiation as a method for treating cancer in the late 1800s, even before x rays were used as an imaging device. A medical student, Emil Grubbe, noted that his hands peeled when exposed to x rays and recognized x rays as a possible way to remove damaging tissue. Grubbe’s use of
x rays to treat a woman with advanced breast cancer slowed the tumor’s growth. Today, radiation therapy can be a highly successful method of treatment, but it also often damages healthy tissue around the tumor as the radiation beam passes through the body. Ever more sophisticated methods of delivering radiation have reduced collateral damage, but it is still virtually impossible to avoid.

Enter proton therapy, whose properties are entirely different from x- or gamma-ray treatments. Because of their relatively large mass, protons have minimal lateral side scatter in the tissue. The proton beam is highly focused on the tumor and creates only low-dose side effects in surrounding tissue. A proton beam of a given energy has a certain range, allowing only very few protons to penetrate beyond that distance. Calibrating the energy of the beam to the depth of the tumor delivers the appropriate proton dose specifically to the tumor. Tissue closer to the surface of the body, above the tumor, receives less radiation and therefore less damage, while tissue around the tumor receives almost no protons. Proton therapy is considered especially effective for the treatment of eye cancer and for children who require radiation. It is also gaining ground as a method for treating prostate cancer because damage does not occur in the surrounding nerves that are important for maintaining sexual function.

Despite the effectiveness of proton therapy, only 31 proton treatment centers exist in the world, with just nine in the U.S. The current delivery method requires what is essentially a giant bunker to house a cyclotron or synchrotron and patient treatment rooms. The beamline, weighing several hundred tons, is surrounded by concrete walls 3 meters thick to shield patients and operators from the heavy dose of neutrons that are a side effect of beam loss in such systems. Three-meter-thick walls must also surround each therapy room, which are typically three stories high to accommodate the gantry vault that the patient lies in. Given that a proton treatment center is about the size of a basketball arena and costs more than
$100 million, it comes as no surprise
that few hospitals can afford one.

The proton therapy system based on Laboratory technologies and being refined by Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC) of Livermore, California, will revolutionize proton delivery. The 4-meter-long linear accelerator will use intensity-modulated proton therapy to treat the patient and will be available for a small fraction of the cost of today’s systems. The system will deliver protons more directly to the patient than do typical scattered proton beams and may require no more shielding than an ordinary x-ray facility. Given the projected low cost of the system and proven effectiveness of protons for the treatment of many cancers, hospitals will be more likely to retrofit one or more of their traditional radiation facilities to deliver protons instead.

In June, when CPAC completed the construction of its first precommercial prototype system, the company had taken a major step toward providing the world’s most precise and compact proton accelerator for treating cancer and other solid tumors. Anthony Zografos, CPAC general manager, says, “The Laboratory has been an excellent partner for us. Livermore researchers, who are extremely knowledgeable about the technology, have assisted us in our efforts to improve the system. This CRADA [Cooperative Research and Development Agreement] has been a great success.”

Livermore physicist George Caporaso works on the dielectric wall accelerator assembly at CPAC. The metal cylinder (top right) contains the radio-frequency quadrupole injector.

Present at the Creation
The idea for the compact proton accelerator came from a team, led by physicist George Caporaso, in Livermore’s Beam Research Program in the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate. The program’s responsibilities include the development of advanced accelerators and technologies. The novel design came about because of the potential benefits of performing x radiography with a small electron accelerator to augment the radiographic capabilities of Livermore’s Flash X Ray (FXR) and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test (DARHT) facilities.

FXR and DARHT are enormous machines, tens of meters long, and use a Livermore-developed linear induction accelerator to take x-ray images of very dense, nonnuclear test devices as they implode. Both systems are essential tools of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Stockpile Stewardship Program, which, in the absence of underground nuclear testing, must ensure that the nation’s existing warheads remain safe, secure, and reliable well into the future.

An induction accelerator comprises a series of electrically independent modules, each pulsed in turn to push energetic particles forward, increasing their energy with every pulse. FXR and DARHT are long because they need to deliver photons at very high energies and because their acceleration gradient, the rate of energy increase over distance, is low, less than 1 megaelectronvolt (MeV) per meter. A method was needed to vastly increase the acceleration gradient and deliver equivalent energies across a distance of just a few meters.

The solution was a high-gradient insulator (HGI), a “sandwich” made from very thin layers of insulating and conducting materials across which large electric fields are applied to accelerate charged particles. HGI, which won an R&D 100 Award in 1997, forms the beam tube of a dielectric wall accelerator (DWA). “HGI was invented by an engineer at Sandia [National Laboratories] and was brought to our attention by Steve Sampayan, an engineer in our group who had worked at Sandia,” says Caporaso. But Sampayan and his team took the invention to new lengths, so to speak. Livermore’s HGI is constructed from conducting layers made of metal, such as stainless steel, alternating with insulating layers of plastic, such as polystyrene.

The small-scale induction accelerator comprises a stack of HGIs that can hold extreme voltages. A particle injector starts the action, and transmission lines made of dielectric materials and embedded conductors produce the electric field that propels the charged particles forward in the tube. The transmission lines are called Blumleins, after a technology developed by the prolific British inventor Alan Blumlein, who also developed stereophonic sound. A laser delivers power to switches in the Blumleins through an optical-fiber distribution system. The tiny, solid-state silicon carbide optical switches on the Blumleins open and close at high speeds to control the high-power voltage that fires each Blumlein, thereby increasing the energy of the particles as they traverse the tube.

With the opening and closing of each switch, one section at a time of DWA is energized, creating a “virtual traveling wave” that pushes the energized particles down the tube. Caporaso likens the phenomena to “the wave” that sports fans perform around a stadium. The ones standing are pushing the particles. They sit down and their neighbors continue the push. One thousand Blumleins may be fitted around a 2-meter tube, each one fired on command to control the speed, form, amplitude, and length of the beam pulse.
“If the whole tube were energized at once,” says Caporaso, “it would short out. But that problem is solved by energizing only a very small area of the tube at a time.” This method also places less stress on materials in the device.

The DWA components were integrated into an accelerating module for radiography, but a complete accelerator was not built because the weapons application was not pursued. However, at about that time, fellow physicist Dennis Matthews asked Caporaso if DWA could deliver protons instead of electrons. Matthews was leading a team developing biomedical devices at the Laboratory and also working at the newly established University of California (UC) Davis Cancer Center, in which Livermore was an active collaborator. Matthews knew that Ralph deVere White, a urological oncology specialist and director of the center, was on the hunt for a more compact method for proton therapy.

This schematic illustrates the flow of protons from a source through the dielectric wall accelerator assembly to a patient. A commercially available ion source sends protons into a “kicker” that injects pulses of protons into a radio-frequency quadrupole, which compresses the protons into short bunches. Switches along the accelerator open and close at high speeds to control the voltage and increase the energy of particles zooming down the accelerator. Careful control of the switching mechanisms creates a beam pulse with the speed, form, amplitude, and length needed for a particular patient.

Compact Accelerator Comes to Life
Both Matthews and deVere White were excited about the prospects for Livermore’s novel electron delivery methodology. However, much work remained for DWA to be modified for use as a proton delivery medical device. The components developed for radiography had been designed to deliver electrons in long pulses at approximately 10 million volts per meter. But effective proton therapy required very short pulses and a gradient of at least 40 million volts per meter.

In 2004, the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program funded a project to determine the feasibility of DWA technology for medical use. Later, UC Davis invested millions of dollars, confident that the DWA technology would be the effective, compact proton therapy device so needed by the oncology community. Matthews notes that the goal of this project was to prove the technology’s value and make it attractive to investors, without whom DWA for proton therapy would never get beyond the Laboratory gates.

It proved to be attractive enough for TomoTherapy, Inc., a company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, and already active in the development and sale of traditional radiation treatment systems. In a 2007 technology transfer agreement, TomoTherapy entered the proton therapy business with funding for the continued development of the new accelerator. Several TomoTherapy researchers joined the Laboratory team. With TomoTherapy’s financial and personnel backing, Livermore was able to develop and successfully test a prototype in December 2007, of which the DWA portion was about 2 centimeters long. According to Livermore engineer Jim Watson, who has been a member of the DWA team since 2007, this test proved the world’s first compact DWA accelerator, with particle injector and diagnostics. By December 2008, the team had demonstrated that the device could accelerate protons.

DeVere White notes that this technology is unique for proton therapy. No other company is close to delivering a device with the small size, low cost, and treatment effectiveness of DWA. Says deVere White, “Some cancer experts wonder whether the $150 million price tag is worth the advantages that proton therapy can provide. This solution takes the cost issue away.”

Ralph deVere White, director of the University of California (UC) Davis Cancer Center, was instrumental in UC Davis partnering with the Laboratory to pursue a compact proton therapy device needed by the oncology community.
(Courtesy UC Davis Cancer Center.)

CPAC Enters the Picture
In 2008, TomoTherapy announced its participation in the new venture CPAC, located just blocks from the Laboratory in Livermore. In 2009, Zografos, who has considerable medical technology experience, was hired and began to build his staff of engineers and other experts to refine the transferred technology. Today, CPAC has 10 employees. “In addition, a number of Laboratory staff are in and out almost constantly assisting us,” says Zografos. Teams of experts on a technical advisory board and a clinical advisory board also support CPAC. Rock Mackie, cofounder of TomoTherapy, is chair of the clinical advisory board.

Zografos notes that except for the Livermore-designed accelerator, all components are commercially available and almost all are from manufacturers in California. “Our entire effort here at CPAC is on the accelerator,” he says. “The development of the rest of the system, including the laser, high-voltage equipment, and fiber optics, is outsourced.” One decision made early on was whether to use Livermore’s particle injector or a commercial radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ). The prices were the same, but the technical advisory board chose the commercial product.

The first system test in March included a pulser composed of a commercial ion source and a 2-MeV RFQ that serves as an injector for delivering subnanosecond protons into DWA. Both pulser components are conventional, proven technologies. In addition, a novel 1-centimeter “kicker” between the ion source and RFQ acts as a gate to inject a single pulse of protons into the quadrupole. RFQ then compresses these protons into a bunch about 200 picoseconds long when exiting. Physicist Gary Guethlein led a small team to develop the compact kicker. Guethlein and physicist Steve Falabella also created a timing system built of commercially available components to synchronize RFQ with the kicker and DWA switching laser. Protons are thus in DWA only as needed and with almost no jitter.

As development of the accelerator progresses, Caporaso continues to lead Livermore’s work. Guethlein visits CPAC often to assist with testing and design. Another frequent visitor is physicist Yu-Jiuan Chen, who is responsible for optimizing the delivery of protons. As such, she plays a major role in specifying design requirements for the Blumleins, the high-gradient insulator, the optical switch, and other parts of the accelerator. If the commercial components are not ideal, her task is to combine them into a workable design.

Chen notes that while the switch design is final, she, Brian Poole, and others are still working on the Blumleins, combining tests at CPAC with computer simulations at Livermore. The Blumlein’s structure is critical because it determines the form, length, and amplitude of the pulse. “Currently, each Blumlein is 2 millimeters thick,” she says. “Thinner is better to maximize the acceleration gradient. A thicker Blumlein dilutes the gradient.”

To test the insulator, CPAC has installed a high-voltage pulser in an electromagnetically shielded chamber at its facility. Various configurations, materials, and fabrication methods for the insulator are examined to determine the combination that can best withstand the high gradients. Livermore and CPAC staff work together on the tests, and Chen’s team performs simulations that aid experimentation. The Laboratory’s Watson is often at CPAC as well, helping with testing of HGI and other engineering functions.

Chen says, “Little room exists for external focusing lenses in the short length of the accelerator, which would help keep the beam’s ‘spot size’ small and tightly focused.” Dealing with this challenge requires such tasks as developing focusing methods that provide simultaneous longitudinal and transverse stability, flattening the accelerator waveform to reduce radial defocusing, and maintaining beam quality. The phase of the first Blumlein firing has to match that of the proton source, and the phase velocity of Blumlein firings must match the proton velocity throughout the accelerator. Thanks to the kicker and timing system, those parts of the accelerator are in synch. Diagnostic devices designed by Guethlein and Falabella are installed along the length of DWA about every meter to ensure beam quality. Above all, says Chen, “We have to produce a practical design.”

“The first prototype, tested this spring with a DWA of about 5 centimeters, proved our ability to accelerate protons,” says Zografos. With subsequent tests, more modules will be added, lengthening the accelerator.
The accelerator for the second prototype will be about 20 centimeters long. That unit, scheduled for testing in the first quarter of 2012, will prove the clinical viability of the device. This prototype will not be used for treatment but rather to demonstrate that adding more modules does indeed increase output energy and that the machine can be scaled up to the energy levels needed to deliver therapeutic protons. According to Livermore simulations, a 4-meter accelerator would deliver 160 MeV with clinical precision. A shorter, 2-meter accelerator would deliver 120 MeV.

The third and final prototype, scheduled for testing in 2013, will combine both technical and clinical viability in an integrated system that could be installed in hospitals. Says Zografos, “We have to know whether the device can be reasonably priced and what the cost of ownership will be in terms of maintenance, spare parts, and so on.”
Accuray, Inc., which acquired TomoTherapy in June, will likely handle final integration of all the system components. Clinical testing may take place at the University of Wisconsin at Madison’s hospital, although the testing location has yet to be finalized. Approval for patient use by the Food and Drug Administration will be relatively simple because proton therapy already has the agency’s approval. This particular system need only prove that it can deliver protons at therapeutic levels.

Accuray–TomoTherapy will also likely be responsible for the manufacture, sale, and distribution of this lifesaving device to hospitals. To facilitate a hospital’s transition from x- and gamma-ray treatment to proton therapy, CPAC will deliver a fully integrated product that allows a hospital to easily begin implementing proton therapy. The system will incorporate treatment planning, quality assurance software and tools, volumetric computed tomography imaging, beam delivery, and patient positioning.

Caporaso examines CPAC’s newest Blumlein design. Tests at CPAC are combined with computer simulations at Livermore to produce a practical design.

Lasting Relationships
CPAC holds the exclusive commercial rights to more than 30 DWA-related patents or patent applications and has the license for nonmedical uses for the optical switches and DWA. “The technology could be used for imaging and cargo inspection, for example,” says Zografos. Both are high on the Department of Energy’s list of important national security projects, so Livermore involvement will surely continue.

DeVere White observes that the Laboratory’s application of a stockpile stewardship technology to the medical field is a highly effective use of tax dollars. “It leverages monies spent on national security without diverting the Laboratory from its primary mission,” says deVere White. “Without Livermore, the Cancer Center, TomoTherapy, and CPAC, this technology for cancer treatment would not exist. Cancer patients will be the beneficiaries of an exceptional partnership.”

—Katie Walter

Key Words: Accuray, Inc.; cancer treatment; Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC); Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA); dielectric wall accelerator (DWA); high-gradient insulator (HGI); proton therapy; x-radiation therapy; technology transfer; TomoTherapy, Inc.

For further information contact George Caporaso (925) 422-7852 (

How Weapons Technology is Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment

Katy Walter

Beginning in 2014, a particle accelerator derived from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s nuclear weapons program may begin to appear in hospitals to deliver lifesaving proton therapy to cancer patients who would otherwise receive traditional and often-dangerous radiation treatments. The path to this success has been long and challenging but the payoff for patients is enormous.

Scientists recognized the benefits of radiation as a method for treating cancer in the late 1800s, even before X-rays were used as an imaging device. A medical student, Emil Grubbe, noted that his hands peeled when exposed to X-rays and recognized X-rays as a possible way to remove damaging tissue. His use of X-rays to treat a woman with advanced breast cancer slowed the tumor’s growth.

Today, radiation therapy can be a highly successful method of treatment but it also often damages healthy tissue around the tumor as the radiation beam passes through the body. Ever more sophisticated methods of delivering radiation have reduced collateral damage, but it is still virtually impossible to avoid. Enter proton therapy, whose properties are entirely different from X-ray or gamma-ray treatments.

Because of their relatively large mass, protons have minimal lateral side scatter in the tissue. The beam stays focused on the tumor and delivers only low-dose side effects to surrounding tissue. A proton beam of a given energy has a certain range, so very few protons penetrate beyond that distance. By calibrating the energy of the proton beam to the depth of the tumor, an accelerator can deliver the appropriate proton dose specifically to the tumor. Tissues closer to the surface of the body, above the tumor, receive less radiation and therefore less damage, while tissues around the tumor receive almost no protons. Proton therapy is considered especially effective for the treatment of eye cancer and for children who require radiation. It is also gaining ground as a method for treating prostate cancer because damage does not occur in the surrounding nerves that are important for maintaining sexual function.

Despite the effectiveness of protons, only 31 proton treatment centers exist in the world with just 9 in the U.S. The current delivery method requires what is essentially a giant bunker to house a cyclotron and patient treatment rooms. The cyclotron, weighing several hundred tons, is surrounded by concrete walls 10-feet thick to shield patients and operators from the heavy dose of neutrons that are a side effect of the huge magnets needed to guide the proton beam. Thick walls must also surround each therapy room, which are typically three stories high to accommodate the gantry vault that the patient lies in. Given that a proton treatment center is about the size of a basketball arena and costs more than $100 million, it comes as no surprise that few hospitals can afford one.

The proton therapy system based on laboratory technologies and being refined by Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC) of Livermore, Calif., will revolutionize proton delivery. The system’s linear accelerator will be about four meters long, available for a small fraction of the cost of today’s systems, and use intensity-modulated proton therapy to treat the patient. CPAC’s system will deliver protons more directly to the patient than do typical scattered proton beams and thus will require no more shielding than an ordinary X-ray facility.

Given the low cost of the system and proven effectiveness of protons for the treatment of many cancers, the hope is that hospitals will retrofit one or more of their traditional radiation facilities to instead deliver protons.

In June, when CPAC completed the construction of its first precommercial prototype system, the company had taken a major step toward providing the world’s most precise and compact proton accelerator for treating cancer and other solid tumors.

The idea for the compact accelerator came from a team led by physicist George Caporaso, whose responsibilities include fundamental particle beam science and the development of advanced accelerators and technology. The novel design came about because of the potential benefits of performing proton radiography with a small accelerator to augment the X-ray radiographic capabilities of Livermore’s Flash X-Ray (FXR) and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Tests (DARHT) Facility.

Proton radiography offers the potential for higher resolution and better discrimination between two similar materials. FXR and DARHT are enormous machines, tens of meters long. Both systems are essential tools of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Stockpile Stewardship Program, which, in the absence of underground nuclear testing, must ensure that the nation’s existing warheads remain safe, secure and reliable well into the future.

An induction accelerator comprises a series of electrically independent modules, each pulsed in turn to push energetic particles forward, increasing their energy with every pulse. FXR and DARHT are long because of the need to deliver photons at very high energies. They are also long because their “acceleration gradient,” the relationship of energy increase over distance, is low, less than 1 megaelectronvolt per meter.

Caporaso’s team sought to vastly increase the acceleration gradient and deliver equivalent energies across a distance of just a few meters. The solution was a high-gradient insulator (HGI), a sandwich of very thin layers of insulating and conducting materials across which large electric fields are applied to accelerate charged particles. HGI, which won an R&D 100 Award in 1997, forms the beam tube of a dielectric wall accelerator (DWA).

The DWA components were integrated into an accelerating module, but a complete accelerator was not built because the weapons application was not pursued. However, at about that time, fellow physicist Dennis Matthews asked Caporaso if the DWA could deliver protons instead of electrons. Matthews was leading a team developing biomedical devices at the laboratory and also working at the newly established University of California at Davis Cancer Center, in which Livermore was an active collaborator. Matthews knew that Ralph deVere White, a urological oncology specialist and director of the center, was on the hunt for a more compact method for proton therapy.

Both Matthews and deVere White were excited about the prospects for Livermore’s novel electron delivery methodology. However, much work remained for DWA to be modified for use as a proton delivery medical device.
The components developed for radiography had been designed to deliver electrons in long pulses. But effective proton therapy required very short pulses. In 2004, the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program funded a project to determine the feasibility of DWA technology for medical use. UC Davis matched subsequent investments by the laboratory, to the tune of millions of dollars.

Matthews notes that the goal of this project was to prove the technology’s value and make it attractive to investors, without whom DWA for proton therapy would never get beyond the laboratory gates. It was attractive enough to interest TomoTherapy, Inc., a company headquartered in Madison, Wis., and already active in the development and sale of traditional radiation treatment systems.

In a 2007 technology transfer agreement, TomoTherapy entered the proton therapy business with funding for the continued development of the new accelerator. With TomoTherapy’s financial and personnel backing, Livermore was able to develop and successfully test a prototype in December 2007, of which the DWA portion was about 2 centimeters long. According to Livermore engineer Jim Watson, who has been a member of the DWA team since 2007, this test proved the world’s first complete DWA accelerator, with particle injector and diagnostics.

By December 2008, the team had successfully demonstrated that the device could accelerate ions. DeVere White says that this technology is unique for proton therapy. No one else is working on anything that comes close to delivering a device with the small size, low cost and treatment effectiveness of DWA. Says deVere White, “Some cancer experts wonder whether the $150 million price tag is worth the advantages that proton therapy can provide.
This solution takes the cost issue away.”

In 2008, TomoTherapy announced its participation in a new venture called Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation, located just blocks from the laboratory. Today, CPAC has 10 employees. “Our entire effort here at CPAC is on the accelerator,” Anthony Zografos, the general manager, says. “The development of the rest of the system including the laser, high-voltage equipment, and fiber optics is outsourced.”

This prototype will not actually be used for treatment but rather to demonstrate that adding more modules does indeed increase output energy and that tthe machine can be scaled up to the energy levels needed to deliver therapeutic protons.

The third and final prototype, scheduled for testing in 2013, will combine both technical and clinical viability in an integrated system that could be installed in hospitals. Says Zografos, “We have to know whether the device can be reasonably priced and what the cost of ownership will be terms of maintenance, spare parts, and so on.”

Accuray, Inc, which acquired TomoTherapy in June, will likely handle final integration of all the system components. This particular system need only prove that it can deliver protons at therapeutic levels.

To facilitate a hospital’s transition from X and gamma-ray treatment to proton therapy, CPAC will deliver a fully integrated product that allows a hospital to easily begin implementing proton therapy.

CPAC holds the exclusive commercial rights to more than 30 DWA-related patents or patent applications and has the license for nonmedical uses for the optical switches and DWA. “The technology could be used for imaging and cargo inspection, for example,” says Zografos. Both are high on the Department of Energy’s list of important national security projects, so Livermore involvement will surely continue.

DeVere White observes that Livermore’s application of a stockpile stewardship technology to the medical field is a highly effective use of tax dollars. “It leverages monies spent on national security without diverting the laboratory from its primary mission,” says deVere White. “Without Livermore, the Cancer Center, TomoTherapy, and CPAC, this technology for cancer treatment would not exist. Cancer patients will be the unwitting beneficiaries of an exceptional partnership.”

Katie Walter is a science writer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

October 5, 2011

Introducing the MEVION S250

Mevion has designed a high-energy proton source that has dramatically reduced the size, cost, and complexity of proton acceleration; the world’s first superconducting synchrocyclotron. The enabling technology is the TriNiobium Core™, an industrially used superconducting metallic compound called TriNiobium Tin (Nb3Sn) that is at the center of the accelerator. Powered by the TriNiobium Core, this revolutionary proton accelerator is only 6 ft (1.8 m) in diameter, but can generate 250 MeV protons capable of reaching targets as deep as 32 cm. With this dramatic size reduction, the proton source is coupled to a high-precision beam delivery and shaping device, and tightly integrated with the most advanced clinical systems.

Still River becomes Mevion, unveils MEVION S250 proton system

Oct 3, 2011

LITTLETON, MA, 1 October 2011 – Mevion Medical Systems, Inc. announced today that it changed its name from Still River Systems. This change reflects the company’s transition from a research and development organization to the commercial manufacturer of the MEVION S250™ Proton Therapy System.

Proton therapy is widely regarded as the optimal means of delivering therapeutic radiation to treat a variety of cancers, but is not widely available because of the immense size, enormous expense, and sheer complexity of traditional proton therapy systems. Mevion eliminates these obstacles with the introduction of the MEVION S250, a revolutionary proton therapy system that combines a patented, gantry-mounted proton source with highly integrated, image-based workflow – making proton therapy a practical clinical reality. "Years of intense and focused research lead to the development of a breakthrough high-energy proton source, the world’s first superconducting synchrocyclotron", says Dr. Kenneth Gall, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer. "This innovative design allowed us to dramatically reduce the size, cost and complexity of proton acceleration, while preserving all of the treatment benefits of proton therapy."

"Since our inception, we have been dedicated to developing a safe, precise and efficient approach to proton therapy. Similar in footprint, workflow, and throughput to a modern radiation therapy linac, the MEVION S250 provides a remarkably practical means of delivering cutting-edge cancer care", said Joseph Jachinowski, Chief Executive Officer of Mevion Medical Systems. "Today we feel confident that we can expand our focus from strictly R&D to full product commercialization. Given this important moment in our history, we think it is appropriate that we mark this transformation with a new name and identity".

The MEVION S250 was introduced with the new corporate branding at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) in Miami Beach, Fl; October 2nd – 4th at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Full details of Mevion’s technology and the MEVION S250 Proton Therapy System can be found on the new corporate website,
About Mevion Medical Systems

Mevion Medical Systems, Inc. (formerly Still River Systems, Inc.) is a radiation therapy company dedicated to advancing the treatment of cancer. As the pioneering developer of modern proton therapy systems, Mevion provides innovative, safe, and effective solutions by transforming advances in medical technology and science into practical clinical reality.

Mevion’s flagship product, the MEVION S250 Proton Therapy System, is designed to preserve all of the treatment benefits of traditional proton therapy systems while removing the obstacles of size, cost, and complexity. Realizing this vision, Mevion has forever changed the economics and accessibility of proton therapy worldwide.

Founded in 2004, Mevion is a privately held company headquartered in the Boston metropolitan area with international offices in the United Kingdom and Japan.

The United States Food and Drug Administration has not cleared the MEVION S250 Proton Therapy System for clinical use. Visit us at:

October 4, 2011

Proton Therapy Accelerator Arrives for Installation and Commissioning at McLaren Proton Therapy Center

October 03, 2011 01:09 PM
Business Wire

Proton Therapy Accelerator Arrives for Installation and Commissioning at McLaren Proton Therapy Center in Flint, Michigan, USA

FLOWER MOUND, Texas & FLINT, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ProTom International, Inc. (“ProTom”) is proud to announce the commencement of installation of the synchrotron accelerator, a component of the Radiance 330TM* proton therapy system under development at the McLaren Proton Therapy Center (MPTC). The MPTC is being developed on the Flint campus of the McLaren Regional Medical Center and the Great Lakes Cancer Institute by McLaren Health Care and ProTom International. Proton beam therapy technology is growing more widespread in use as a form of radiation therapy for cancer.

“following installation, our focus is on validating and testing the interface between the Radiance 330 and the remaining proton therapy system, followed by commissioning and securing all necessary regulatory clearances necessary for operation.”

Synchrotron installation has commenced at the MPTC after having arrived last month via commercial airline from Boston. The size and weight of the compact accelerator is in great contrast with previous generations of monolithic, expensive, and heavy proton therapy technology – some requiring special cranes, transport, rigging and even bridge reinforcements in order to reach their destinations. The Radiance 330™ accelerator and one treatment room will fit into the space of approximately two standard radiation treatment rooms, opening the possibility for the modular and scalable system to be added as an extension to an existing or remodeled radiotherapy center or configured as a stand-alone facility.

Recent collaborative research, testing, calibration and refinements with accelerator physics and engineering thought-leaders at the MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center on a working synchrotron have resulted in over 12 upgrades to the synchrotron. Several important advanced features optimized to provide the best possible proton beam for delivering treatment using a technology known as “scanned pencil beams” stemmed from such refinements.† Bates is part of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“We are pleased to provide our Radiance 330 system for the first proton therapy facility in the state of Michigan,” said ProTom CEO Stephen L. Spotts. “Previous generations of technology were difficult to finance, inefficient to operate, and limited in capabilities. Radiation shielding requirements were daunting and facilities to house and operate the equipment were immense. These obstacles discouraged many local hospitals from considering this technology in the past. The scaled-down facility and equipment costs of the Radiance 330™ system constitute a financially viable project which is easier to implement, paving the way for community-based proton therapy.” Spotts added that “following installation, our focus is on validating and testing the interface between the Radiance 330 and the remaining proton therapy system, followed by commissioning and securing all necessary regulatory clearances necessary for operation.”

“Construction on the McLaren Proton Therapy Center began in October 2010 and we are on track to treat our first patient in December 2012. This represents a development cycle of 23 months which compares to 36 – 40 months for first generation models,” said McLaren Health Care President and CEO Philip A. Incarnati, “ and we are on-track for a total project duration of 2 years 9 months from equipment contract to first patient. We have the opportunity to develop something that will not only help Michigan residents gain access to critical cancer-fighting technology but would make our state a vital launching ground to bring this new technology to the nation,” Incarnati said.

About McLaren Health Care

Recognized by Verispan as one of the top Integrated Health Networks in the nation, McLaren Health Care includes more than 150 locations, 15,000 employees and over 10,000 network physicians. It includes nine wholly-owned regional hospitals: McLaren Regional Medical Center in Flint; Lapeer Regional Medical Center; Ingham Regional Medical Center and Ingham Regional Orthopedic Hospital in Lansing; Bay Regional Medical Center and Bay Special Care Hospital in Bay City; Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center in Mount Clemens; Central Michigan Community Hospital in Mt. Pleasant and POH Regional Medical Center in Pontiac. McLaren Homecare Group, an award-winning home health provider, and McLaren Health Plan, a top-rated commercial and Medicaid HMO are also a part of the system. To find out more about how we’re changing the future of health care, visit

About Great Lakes Cancer Institute

Through the combined resources of McLaren Health Care and the clinical trials research capabilities at MSU, the Great Lakes Cancer Institute is advancing the science of cancer medicine. More than 300 of the state's most highly experienced cancer specialists, oncologists, physicians, surgeons and researchers make up GLCI, working together to beat cancer. For more information, visit

About ProTom International, Inc.

ProTom International, Inc. is a medical device company committed to a new generation of financially viable proton radiotherapy centers that are easier to implement and equipped with advanced, modern technology. The Radiance 330™ system makes community-based proton therapy truly accessible by reducing cost and technology barriers inherent with previous generations of equipment. Clear direction forward in radiation oncology has arrived – so now you can provide proton therapy close to home. At ProTom International, proton therapy is not only what we do, it is all we do. Our proton therapy operations are headquartered in the USA — our manufacturing, development, research, service and proton therapy projects are all managed and operated right here in America.

* The Radiance 330TM Proton Therapy System has not been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for commercial distribution in the U.S. at this time.

† ProTom has filed for 31 patents, six of which have been issued to date by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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ProTom International
Stephen Sledge, 904-502-4032
McLaren Health Care
Kevin Tompkins, 810-342-1173

September 30, 2011

ProTom International and Advanced Proton Solutions Announce Collaboration

Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:11am EDT

* Reuters is not responsible for the content in this press release.

New proton beam therapy center in the City of London to install ProTom’s Radiance 330TM proton therapy system

ProTom International, Inc. (“ProTom”) is proud to announce it has entered into an arrangement with United Kingdom-based Advanced Proton Solutions Holdings Limited (“APS”) to provide its Radiance 330 proton therapy system for the new APS facility that will be built in the City of London.

“Advanced Proton Solutions represents an ideal partner for ProTom’s first international venture. Due to its modular design and smaller footprint, our Radiance 330 system is a great solution for sustainable urban locations such as the City of London,” said Stephen Spotts, CEO of ProTom.

“Proton beam therapy represents an innovation in cancer treatment, and ProTom’s technology will allow the development of the APS purpose-built facility in Moorgate, City of London. APS is proud to take a leadership role in bringing such an important advance to cancer patients in the UK, thus allowing treatment at home versus abroad,” said Simon Grinstead, Chief Executive Officer of APS.

Proton beam therapy is the next generation in radiation therapy treating solid tumors. Unlike conventional radiation, proton beam therapy can deliver a highly precise and direct dose of radiation to the tumor, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue and reducing side effects.

APS in conjunction with Valentine Investments Ltd. announced earlier this month that the City of London granted planning permission (zoning approval) to develop the Moorgate property for a proton beam therapy center, a new purpose-built health facility. The development will be on four levels below ground, together with ground and seven upper floors, plus plant areas. The four basement levels will house ProTom’s proton beam therapy equipment, and the upper floors will include ancillary uses such as treatment and consulting rooms, offices, and storage.

About ProTom International, Inc.

Headquartered in Flower Mound, Texas, ProTom is a medical device company focused on increasing the availability and accessibility of proton therapy in order to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients. ProTom’s unique and new generation technology allows facilities to be built on a smaller scale and at a substantially lower capital cost, significantly reducing ongoing operational expenses. For more information, visit

About Advanced Proton Solutions Holdings Limited

Advanced Proton Solutions Holdings Limited, a Jersey CI company, develops and operates cancer treatment centers using the latest technologies. It currently has three projects underway in the United States in partnership with major medical institutions. The London facility is the first of a number of non-US projects in which APS is involved. For more information, visit

ProTom International, Inc.
Cheryl Smith, 972-410-3551

June 22, 2011

Still River Systems signs patent license agreement with MIT


LITTLETON, MASS, 22 June 2011, /PRNewswire/ – Still River Systems, Inc. announces today that it has entered into a long-term licensing agreement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) to utilize advanced superconducting accelerator technologies developed at M.I.T.'s Plasma Science and Fusion Center in collaboration with Still River. Still River will employ those technologies in conjunction with its own leading-edge developments in its groundbreaking single-room proton therapy platform, the Monarch250. This unique medical device houses a revolutionary source of high-energy protons based on the world's highest field strength superconducting synchrocyclotron that provides a significant reduction in the size, cost, and complexity of developing and operating a proton therapy center.

The precision of proton therapy makes it an important treatment option for patients with cancer. Protons can be directed to concentrate their energy precisely on the cancerous tumor while sparing the surrounding healthy tissue, resulting in far fewer short and long-term treatment complications. The first Monarch250 is currently under installation at the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO, a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The proton accelerator has been undergoing complete clinical testing and commissioning, including lifetime testing, and all clinical parameters have exceeded performance expectations. "The innovative design of our proton therapy platform, aided by the technology developed with M.I.T., results in a simple and modular system thus enabling quick, efficient, and cost effective installations," states CEO Joseph Jachinowski. "With our first system nearing completion, we are now beginning to reap the benefits of its unique design by finalizing a complete process that can be replicated to meet the growing proton therapy demand in a cost-efficient manner."

Still River Systems will be exhibiting at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) in Vancouver, British Columbia on July 31st through August 3rd.
About Still River Systems

Still River Systems, Inc., based in Littleton, Massachusetts, is dedicated to providing physicians, and their patients, access to high quality, cost-effective proton therapy solutions. Still River Systems is developing the Monarch250, an affordable, precise and compact proton therapy system for cancer treatment.

The Monarch250 has not been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration for distribution or clinical use. For more information on Still River Systems and the Monarch250 Proton Therapy System, please call 978-540-1500 or visit

June 6, 2011

CPAC Completes Construction of Pre-Commercial Prototype Dielectric Wall Accelerator

3 June 2011
Press Release

Livermore, Calif. – February 7, 2011 – Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC) announced today that it has demonstrated proton acceleration at its facility in Livermore, Calif., using its revolutionary compact particle accelerator technology. With achievement of this milestone, CPAC further enables the development of the world’s most precise and compact accelerator for use in proton therapy systems, which has the potential to advance the boundaries of cancer care.

Livermore, Calif. – June 3, 2011 – Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC) announced today that it has completed the construction of the first Dielectric Wall Accelerator (DWA) pre-commercial prototype system. With the achievement of this milestone, CPAC has taken another step towards the development of the first commercial DWA. It will be the world’s most precise and compact accelerator for use in proton therapy systems, and has the potential to advance the boundaries of cancer care.

Radiation therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer for many years, but most of the treatments have been done with X-rays, which are successful in destroying many tumors but can also damage healthy tissue around the tumor. In contrast, protons deposit their energy near the end of their path. As a result, the beam energy can be precisely delivered to the tumor volume without seriously harming surrounding tissues or critical organs.

Proton therapy is a particularly compelling treatment for pediatric patients and some hard-to-treat cancers, such as those requiring high doses of radiation or tumors that are close to sensitive structures. But because of the cost and size of proton therapy systems, this type of therapy has been limited to approximately 30 centers around the world. With its pioneering work on developing a compact proton accelerator, CPAC aims to make this treatment accessible to every cancer center.

CPAC’s accelerator is a highly compact system based on the DWA technology developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The prototype system was built exclusively with commercially available components of the highest quality and reliability and has been in operation for several months at CPAC’s state-of-the-art facility in Livermore, Calif.

“This is a significant step forward toward commercializing the DWA for proton therapy,” said George Caporaso, Ph.D., LLNL’s lead investigator in the collaboration with CPAC. “It’s the first integrated proton accelerator system consisting of all the essential elements working together: a commercial proton source and injector, and a DWA section with a high gradient insulating beam tube, solid dielectric Blumleins, high quality photoconductive switches and a laser and a fiber optic distribution system.”

Dr. Jose Alonso, formerly of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory conducted an independent assessment of the DWA technology and its potential for future proton therapy applications at the request of the European Society of Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology (ESTRO) and presented his assessment at the recent ESTRO Anniversary Congress in London. “CPAC has assembled a very strong team, that includes LLNL, with expertise in materials science, beam dynamics, induction linacs and systems development,” Dr. Alonso said. “CPAC’s parent corporation has much experience in the medical device field, as well, and understands the issues and efforts required to develop effective systems. CPAC has developed and is embarking on a realistic plan. I believe CPAC will be successful in developing a commercial system. The technical risk is low and their commitment to success is very clear.”

“This prototype system demonstrates the key differentiating advantages of the DWA,” said Anthony Zografos, Ph.D., CPAC’s vice president and general manager. “Our injection system has demonstrated extremely good beam stability and intensity control and our Dielectric Wall Accelerator demonstrates excellent repeatability. We have demonstrated the capability of adjusting and controlling on a shot-to-shot basis beam energy and dose. In the coming months we will also implement a shot-to-shot beam spot size adjustment and control capability.”

According to Zografos, the acceleration gradients that are obtainable with this system are approximately 20 Million electron Volts per meter (MeV/m), which far exceeds accelerating gradients for existing medical accelerator devices. CPAC has filed for patent protection for designs that will allow it to reach 40 MeV/m in the next nine months and in excess of 50 MeV/m in the near future. The company plans to ship a 150 MeV clinical system that will be approximately 4 meters in length in 2013.

About Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC)
Compact Particle Acceleration Corporation (CPAC) is an affiliated subsidiary of TomoTherapy Incorporated. It is developing and commercializing a highly compact proton therapy system powered by the dielectric-wall accelerator (DWA), a revolutionary proton accelerator that has a substantially smaller structure and greater flexibility than other systems. This breakthrough in size and power is made possible by three key inventions: a high-gradient insulator that allows for substantial increases in voltage-holding capacity, and optical switches that can control high-power loads at ultra high speeds in a very compact size, both licensed from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); and dielectric materials that are embedded with nanoparticles to facilitate the transmission and isolation of extremely high voltages. CPAC believes these platform technologies that combine extreme switching speed and power handling capability will enable the creation of a proton therapy system that accessible to all cancer centers and their patients. For more information, visit

May 17, 2011

ProTom to provide proton therapy system for Atlantic Health

May 17, 2011

FLOWER MOUND, TEXAS/MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY, 13 May 2011 – ProTom International is proud to announce they have entered into an exclusive arrangement with New Jersey-based Atlantic Health System to provide the proton therapy system for the facility that will be built in its North Jersey marketplace. This facility will give Atlantic Health’s physicians and patients access to the most advanced form of treatment for many types of cancer.

"Atlantic Health’s size and remarkable commitment to their patients makes them an ideal partner for ProTom," said Stephen Spotts, president and chief executive officer of ProTom International. "Their physicians demonstrated an incredible desire to provide their patients with proton therapy. This facility is a crucial step in bringing this treatment to more patients who need it."

Proton therapy is the next generation in treating solid, non-metastasized tumors. Unlike conventional radiation, proton therapy can deliver a highly precise and direct dose of radiation to the tumor, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue and reducing side effects.

ProTom’s proton therapy system, the Radiance 330, provides the most advanced in proton radiation delivery. Their unique technology allows proton therapy centers to be built on a smaller scale at a substantially lower capital cost, while significantly reducing continual operational expenses.

About ProTom International, Inc. ProTom is a medical device company focused on increasing the availability and accessibility of proton therapy in order to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients. ProTom’s unique and next generation technology allows facilities to be built on a smaller scale and at a substantially lower capital cost and significantly reducing ongoing operational expenses. ProTom is headquartered in Flower Mound, Texas. For more information, visit
About Atlantic Health System

Atlantic Health System is one of the largest non-profit health care systems in New Jersey, comprised of Morristown Medical Center, Overlook Medical Center in Summit and Newton Medical Center. The three medical centers – all accredited by The Joint Commission – have a combined total of 1,308 licensed beds and more than 2,750 affiliated physicians providing a wide array of health care services to the residents of Northern and Central New Jersey. Specialty service areas include advanced cardiovascular care, pediatric medical and surgical specialties, neurology, orthopedics, and sports medicine. Each of these programs has earned top ratings and recognitions in their respective fields. Atlantic Health System is the official health care partner of the New York Jets and an official health care provider of the New Jersey Devils.

Morristown Medical Center’s Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute performs more heart surgeries than any other hospital in New York or New Jersey, and is one of 20 facilities across the country to perform catheter-based repair and replacement of valves on both sides of the heart. Atlantic Health System’s spine program – where surgeons perform more spine surgery than anywhere else in New Jersey – is one of just 13 hospitals across the country that has received the Gold Seal of Approval™ from The Joint Commission, achieving Disease-Specific Care Certification for cervical and lumbar spine treatments. With the Atlantic Neuroscience Institute based at Overlook Medical Center, the hospital serves as the hub for the New Jersey Stroke Network, and serves about 40 percent of the state’s stroke patients. The system’s Goryeb Children’s Hospital offers more than 100 board-certified physicians in 20 pediatric specialties. Morristown Medical Center is designated a Level I Regional Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons and a Level II by the state of New Jersey.

Atlantic Health System has been chosen for the past three consecutive years by FORTUNE® as one of the magazine’s "100 Best Companies to Work For®." The organization has also been recognized four times by AARP as one of the "Best Employers for Workers over 50." Inside Jersey magazine partnered with Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. and ranked Morristown Medical Center as the No. 1 hospital in New Jersey and the No. 1 hospital for treatment of heart failure and coronary surgery in the state. The survey findings also establish Overlook as No.1 for the treatment of neurological disorders and No. 2 for stroke treatment in NJ. Atlantic Health System is a Major Clinical Research Affiliate with The Cancer Institute of New Jersey and is the primary academic and clinical affiliate in New Jersey of Mount Sinai School of Medicine and The Mount Sinai Hospital.

May 16, 2011

Proton Beams Used To Treat Rare Form Of Cancer

Full news story from KTVU San Francisco (with video materials)

Posted: 10:13 pm PDT May 9, 2011
LIVERMORE, Calif. -- Bay Area scientists in Livermore have turned nuclear weapons technology into a remarkable cancer cure.
